Make Me a Signal

Open-weather is a feminist experiment in imaging and imagining the earth and its weather systems using DIY tools. They weave speculative storytelling with low cost hardware and open-source software to transform our relations to a planet in climate crisis.

Open-weather travelled to the Inner Hebridean Isle of Mull with two 137 MHz turnstile antennas. On 18 July 2021 at around 11 o’clock in the evening, among the sheep, seabirds and tidal waves, they used both antennas to sense the hertzian spaces around them. Between 198 KHz and 150 MHz they encountered radio amateurs, a NOAA satellite, Shannon VOLMET, medium wave AM stations, morse code and RTTY data transmissions. The audio work was broadcast during the STWST48x7 festival, online on and at Stadwerkstatt in Linz, Austria.

Description from the artists’ website: Make me a signal – open-weather